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Consumer Closeness
in the Age of Social Distancing

Week of April 12th: New “Normal”

The holiday mood helped lift Canadian spirits, with many figuring out creative ways to celebrate occasions while abiding by social distancing


Relaxed ?‍♀️


Stressed/Worried ?


Bored ?


Peaceful ?‍♂️


Optimistic ?


Increase in overall positive emotions, compared to prior week

People are adapting their celebrations and special occasions to work with the new “norms” of social distancing

  • Celebrate only with those I am social distancing/isolating with 60% 60%
  • Find creative ways to celebrate 31% 31%
  • Celebrate alone 8% 8%
  • Proceed as planned – COVID-19 can’t stop me! 1% 1%
  • Cancel celebrations 15% 15%
  • Postpone until I can celebrate “normally” 18% 18%

Top occasions people have celebrated/plan to celebrate differently during COVID-19

  • Holidays 65% 65%
  • Birthdays 60% 60%
  • Religious milestone 17% 17%

*These photos have been submitted by members of our COVID community

Other: Anniversaries (12%), Graduation parties (7%), Bachelor/ette parties (6%), Family reunions (4%), Weddings (3%), , Baby showers (1%)

Still, most are anticipating being in this situation for the long haul and have their worries about life after COVID-19

Time anticipated for things to go “back to normal” remains at least a few months for most, if not longer
  • A few weeks (end of April, early May) 0% 0%
  • A month or two (May or June) 15% 15%
  • Three to six months (July to Sept) 34% 34%
  • Six months to a year (Oct to next April) 22% 22%
  • More than a year 12% 12%
  • I don’t know that we’ll ever be back to normal 17% 17%

Reactions to CDC allowing businesses to open


Would be HESITANT about visiting public establishments such as restaurants, gyms, etc. and might not go back to normal 'right away'

Concerns span from medical, to economic, and social repurcussions of the current situation

Despite their concerns, people are learning from this experience and are trying to be optimistic about the future

Canadians are thinking about how their behaviours will change going forward as a result of what they’ve learned from this experience so far

Expected changes in behaviour after the crisis vs. before:

Savings ?


Would focus more on saving/budgeting

No change: 52%  

Work ?


Would work from home more often

No change: 43%  

Payment ?


Would use contact less payment more

No change: 69%  

Shopping ?


Would shop online more often

No change: 62%  


Plan to continue the new habits, behaviours, and routines they've picked up after the crisis is over

Hygiene and safety habits are sticking

“Wiping down surfaces more. Been keeping lysol wipes in the front seat to wipe down hands, purse handles, car door handle and steering wheel when getting in the car.”

“Handwashing, being more conscious of things like sneezing and coughing, being more aware while handling produce, etc. in grocery stores.”

Most plan to start maintaining an emergency stock at home

“I was not prepared for an emergency. I will keep a store of supplies, maybe two months that I will cycle through and keep updated.”

“Meal planning, less trips to the grocery store, more prepared for an emergency.”

Focusing on self-care feels good, and is something people plan to continue

“Exercising regularly. I found that I enjoy working out few times a week and it is good for my general health.”

“Continue to spend more time alone in nature. I’ve discovered that I enjoy it and it’s a good mental break for when I’m stressed.”

“I’ve started meditating and will continue after the crisis is over as I find it very relaxing.”

People are grateful to be spending more time with friends & family and want to continue that

“I would like to continue this slower pace of life. Spending quality time with my family and enjoying with my kids more.”

“I’ve been connecting with my ageing parents more. And I’ve been connecting with friends more online. It’s been really nice to connect more deeply with people and I hope to continue that.”

People are enjoying their new hobbies, and plan to keep them up

“I’ve learned to cook a bit more during this time. I hope those skills will continue to be part of my life.”

“Gardening. I’m finding it to be an enjoyable hobby.”



Feel that when this crisis is over, there will be a new normal and this WILL have a lasting impact on society

Many are trying to look on the bright side of this ‘new normal’

Catch up on past reports: Click here.

A word on our approach

This research is not just another COVID-19 survey. This study was conducted using immersive mobile messaging-based conversational exercises that capture robust quant data and emotive qual inputs in real-time from our mobile COVID-19 community members in one seamless experience. Take a look at the video to see a demo of how our technology works…

Fine Print:
Field dates 4/10-4/13, Base: n=417

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