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Consumer Closeness in the Age of Social Distancing 

Week of Nov 2 : Holidays

Holidays are bringing out mixed emotions among Americans. Celebrations this year will be smaller and restricted to only family members


Excited ?


Stressed ?


Relaxed ?‍♀️


Overwhelmed ?


Confident ?

Holiday celebration plans


plan to celebrate the holidays in some way or the other

Holiday Celebration Plans

  • Yes, more casual dinners for sure 33% 33%
  • No, about the same amount 39% 39%
  • No, fewer casual dinners 16% 16%
  • Yet to be decided 12% 12%

While some will decorate more to spread the holiday spirit, others don’t feel like decorating as much on account of smaller gatherings 

Decoration Plans Compared to Last Year

  • Yes, definitely decorating more 11% 11%
  • Maybe, not sure yet 22% 22%
  • No, I’m decorating the same 34% 34%
  • No, I’m not decorating as much 13% 13%
  • No, not decorating at all 21% 21%
Some plan to decorate MORE to spread the holiday spirit and bring some positivity

“I feel like decorating more inside and outside might make the holidays feel a little more brighter and happier with all the craziness that is going on in the world right now.”

“I feel like we’ve been deprived of so much that if I can do just a little extra decorating to get people more in the spirit.”

“I will decorate inside this season. I owe it to my family and myself to bring joy and happiness to their lives.”

“More outside lights and decorations because people need to see normal.

Whereas some don't see the point since gatherings will be much smaller

“Because we won’t be having anyone over to see it. We’ll do a little. It’s just me and my kids.”

“We decorated for the kids and sinse they’re not coming down this year we will just do a little outside not inside. We used to do evey room in the house.”

“I won’t have as many people over and we’re not as much into the holiday spirit this year.

The tradition of exchanging gifts however remains indispensable. Use of online shopping likely to be higher compared to last year

Holiday shopping plans 


plan to make purchases this holiday season

(Majority will be buying for gifting)

When Americans plan to shop for the holidays

When Americans Plan to Shop

  • Sept/Early October (or before) 5% 5%
  • Mid to end of October 8% 8%
  • Early November 18% 18%
  • Mid to end of November 27% 27%
  • Early December 18% 18%
  • Mid to end of December 4% 4%
  • Throughout the holiday season (Nov-Dec) 20% 20%

Current Shopping Completion Stage

  • I have not started shopping 59% 59%
  • I’ve just started and have done less than half 27% 27%
  • I have done half my shopping 6% 6%
  • I’m done more than half my shopping 6% 6%
  • I already finished shopping for the holidays 2% 2%

What Americans plan to buy during holiday shopping


Gift Cards


Clothing, Footwear and Accessories


Toys & Games


Personal Electronics


Video Games and Consoles


Health & Beauty

Other: Books, Magazines, Calendars & Stationary (27%); Small Appliances (20%); Jewelry (17%)Music & DVD Movies (16%); Sporting Goods (16%); Experiences (16%); Food Gift Sets (15%); Computers, software or computer accessories (14%); Health & Beauty Products (12%); Furniture (7%); Major Appliances (6%); ; Subscription Boxes (4%); Others (14%)

How Americans plan to shop for the holidays

  • All online 24% 24%
  • Mostly online 42% 42%
  • Equally online and offline 25% 25%
  • A little online 7% 7%
  • All offline 3% 3%


will be shopping ONLINE MORE compared to last year

“I have not been to a grocery store, mall, or anything since March. Why risk it when I can order everything online? I feel safer and I can easily ship without having to go to the post office / FedEX.”

“I usually do most of my shopping online anyway, but online makes more sense this year (and sounds more simple!) with everything going on in the world right now.”

“I think retailers are going to encourage online shopping because some people may be hesitant to be in stores and have large crowds so online shopping will be important to them.”

How much Americans plan to spend on holiday shopping


are planning to spend up to $500

(12% Americans plan to spend more than $1000 on holiday shopping)

  • Planning on spending more this year 20% 20%
  • Planning on spending the same as last year 60% 60%
  • Planning on spending less this year 20% 20%

For whom Americans plan to shop during the holidays

  • For less people this year 28% 28%
  • For the same number of people this year 61% 61%
  • For more people this year 11% 11%


are planning to drop gifts off in person

Consider starting your own Seasonal program with Reach3!

Longitudinal behavioral learning framework featuring immersive Conversational Quant and Qual to engage with consumers across key seasons and drive future growth strategies

e-Commerce / Bricks & Mortar Mobile Video Shop-a-long

Shoppers take us along with them on their seasonal shopping trip for the season, utilizing their phone’s video and camera features for in-store and screen share for online ?

Mobile Post-Purchase Deep Dive

Same shoppers answer additional questions as it relates to their retailer and brand selection(s), as well as their seasonal routines / rituals and how particular brands fit with them ?‍♀️

In-the-Moment Ritual Illumination

Same shoppers are recontacted via text notification and asked to help us better understand their seasonal usage occasions and rituals via photo and video uploads ?

Catch up on past reports: Click here.

A word on our approach

This research is not just another COVID-19 survey. This study was conducted using immersive mobile messaging-based conversational exercises that capture robust quant data and emotive qual inputs in real-time from our mobile COVID-19 community members in one seamless experience. Take a look at the video to see a demo of how our technology works…

Fine Print:
Field dates 10/23-10/30, Base: n=310

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