Alcoholic Beverage Pulse Check:
What’s trending for Millennials and Gen Z?
Here are 2 things you need to know:

1. What brands are trendy right now?
Light beers (imports & domestics) are hot and trendy according to beer drinkers. Constellation brands secured both top ranking spots, followed by offerings from Molson Coors and AB InBev.
Hot or Not: Which Beer Brands are Getting Positive Consumer Consideration
(% Selected “Hot”, “Not”, “Never heard of” for each brand, Among Past Month Beer Drinkers)

Hot Score (% Hot - % Not)
- Hot ?️ 77%
- Not ❌ 23%
- Never heard of 0%

Hot Score (% Hot - % Not)
- Hot ?️ 64%
- Not ❌ 32%
- Never heard of 4%

Hot Score (% Hot - % Not)
- Hot ?️ 63%
- Not ❌ 35%
- Never heard of 2%

Hot Score (% Hot - % Not)
- Hot ?️ 60%
- Not ❌ 39%
- Never heard of 1%
The hottest spirits brands include representation across a variety of categories, with Patrón & Tito’s standing out most.
Hot or Not: Which Spirits Brands are Getting Positive Consumer Consideration
(% Selected “Hot”, “Not”, “Never heard of” for each brand, Among Past Month Spirits Drinkers)

Hot Score (% Hot - % Not)
- Hot ?️ 78%
- Not ❌ 17%
- Never heard of 4%

Hot Score (% Hot - % Not)
- Hot ?️ 76%
- Not ❌ 18%
- Never heard of 6%

Hot Score (% Hot - % Not)
- Hot ?️ 74%
- Not ❌ 25%
- Never heard of 1%

Hot Score (% Hot - % Not)
- Hot ?️ 70%
- Not ❌ 29%
- Never heard of 1%
Unsurprisingly, White Claw and Truly dominate the hot seltzer list with their nearest trendy competitors trailing far behind.
Hot or Not: Which Seltzer Brands are Getting Positive Consumer Consideration
(% Selected “Hot”, “Not”, “Never heard of” for each brand, Among Past Month Seltzer Drinkers)

Hot Score (% Hot - % Not)
- Hot ?️ 90%
- Not ❌ 11%
- Never heard of 1%

Hot Score (% Hot - % Not)
- Hot ?️ 85%
- Not ❌ 13%
- Never heard of 5%

Hot Score (% Hot - % Not)
- Hot ?️ 63%
- Not ❌ 36%
- Never heard of 9%

Hot Score (% Hot - % Not)
- Hot ?️ 63%
- Not ❌ 40%
- Never heard of 3%

2. What do LDA consumers predict will be the “next big thing”?
Millennials and Gen Z predict that seltzers will continue to run the show, citing their low calorie/carb/sugar features as major benefits for the health-conscious consumer. Beverages that don’t taste like alcohol like fruity or low ABV drinks are also predicted to rise in popularity, following a broader interest among young consumers for healthier and better tasting products. Canned cocktails received some attention for their portability and convenience.
Seltzers are here to stay
“The “it thing” that everyone is drinking is alcoholic seltzers. Bud light and Trulys have been the big brands because they have new unique flavors and are budget friendly.”
“I think that seltzers are still going strong and new things are always coming out so i think those will continue to become more creative. I do think that many people don’t like the fizz and carbonation of seltzers so I think you will see more of the seltzer brands (white claws, trulys, etc.) come out with non carbonated drinks but still no sugar.”
Low calorie/sugar/carb options will be in high demand
“Right now, I would say the “it alcoholic thing” to drink would have to be low calorie options. From wine to the endless options of low calorie “any flavor” in a bottle or can. I do like to have some wine or have a nice cocktail, but also I don’t want to feel guilty afterwards, I always try to pick options that won’t increase the number on the scale :)”
“I think Bud Light is onto the next thing with their low-carb beer. Consumers are more knowledgeable about any health issues related to alcohol so attempting to make healthier options will become hot.”
Fruity flavored beverages will more desirable
“I think that we’re probably going to see fruity drinks becoming more and more popular.”
“For beer it’s anything fruity is the big thing. I personal like the regular beer. The liquor for myself would be something hard cut. But occasionally the fruity mixes.”
“I think drinks we had as a child are becoming hard seltzers. Those are really up and coming. I’d love to see capri suns or ice pop flavors be in a hard seltzer form.”
Canned cocktails will be more widely available
“I’ve seen a big push towards canned cocktails. I’ve been to events where they were sponsored by a canned cocktail brand. Canned cocktails have become widely available now at bars than they were before. It used to be something I could only buy at a store, but now some bars are serving them more often.”
“I think canned cocktails are going to be the next big thing. Especially for females, they are tired of buying bottles of liquor and mixers. It is time for the drink to already be premade and ready for consumption.”
Low ABV beverages are on the rise
“I’ve noticed a lot more friends are drinking less alcohol, I think more non-alcoholic drinks are becoming more common and fun. I also think legalizing marijuana and drinking that to relax will become more popular.”
“Non-alcoholic drinks are on the rise due to people wanting to drink and be with friends but don’t want the stress of driving home and getting pulled over.”
A word on our approach
This study was conducted using immersive mobile messaging-based conversational exercises that capture robust quant data and emotive qual inputs in real-time from a representative LDA Gen Z & Millennial sample in one seamless experience.
Take a look at the video to see a demo of how our technology works…

Who we chatted with: N=1016 US Adults (Age 21-39), representative to US census
Field dates: April 8, 2022 – April 14, 2022
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